72 Hour Emergency Preparedness

How well do you think you’d do in the 10 minute challenge?

Evacuation: What to Take and Do

Plan to Evacuate

A wide variety of emergencies may cause an evacuation. In some instances you may have a day or two to prepare, while other situations might call for an immediate evacuation. Planning ahead is vital to ensuring that you can evacuate quickly and safely, no matter what the circumstances.

Before an evacuation,

  • Learn the types of disasters that are likely in your community and the local emergency, evacuation, and shelter plans for each specific disaster.
  • Plan how you will leave and where you will go if you are advised to evacuate.

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By Jerry K.

I was asked under what circumstances besides after an earthquake would you need your 72 hour kit?  The answer I gave is this, following any emergency where your house is not fully livable.  That brought further questions and so I decided a bit of explanation is in order.

We prepare for a Great Earthquake to hit Portland as it is the biggest natural disaster we can conceive that is likely to occur in our lifetimes.  Sure, we can look at preparing for Nuclear War (we are targeted by Russia, China and allegedly North Korea) but that is considered too far fetched and frightening.  We can prepare for Mount Hood to awaken and erupt.  Again, not likely anytime soon and besides, volcano experts say Mt. Rainier will be the next one to turn active after Mount St Helens. Anyway, by preparing for the most likely worst case scenario we are also preparing for all the lesser disasters that are even more common to the Metro Portland area.  For example, at the time I am writing this article the “Pineapple Express” is roaring through the Pacific Northwest.  There have been mudslides, power outages, localized flooding, downed trees upon houses and cars, etc.  Homes in our stake have been affected and the residents, if prepared for a larger disaster, can weather out these types of emergencies.

Besides these emergencies there are many others that can make a home unlivable. Read more…


Q & A In an Emergency Situation, Where Can I find Safe Water to Use?

People often ask if  water from  swimming pools, toilet tanks, and water beds  are safe water sources to use.  The Utah State University Cooperative Extension compiled a booklet in 2006 titled “Water: Storage and Emergency Use”. Click here to read further about water in emergency situations. Here is a great video to watch: Draining Your Water Heater . Your water heater is a great source of potable water during an emergency. 

Please note: Although the water in your water heater can be a good reliable source of water during an emergency, it is important that you turn the valve to the water main off immediately if you suspect there has been contamination to the community water supply.  If the community water supply has become contaminated due to a break in the pipes (i.e. after an earthquake) or serious flooding, then the contaminated water will also contaminate the water in your hot water heater if it is not shut-off from the main water supply.  Also, once you turn off the gas to your water heater it is strongly recommended you have the gas company come out and re-lite the pilot light.

Food Kit for Emergency Preparedness

OSU Extension Specialist Barbara Brown puts together a food kit to have on hand in the event of an emergency.

Check Your Kit for Recalled Peanut and Other Items

By JoAnn K.

Many of us shuffled through our food storage looking for peanut products that were on the peanut recall list so we could dispose of them. However, as we recover from the massive recalls and begin to consume our beloved peanut products, take a moment to check your 72-Hour / Emergency Preparedness kits for any of the peanut products listed in the recalls (don’t forget your pet’s treats). Check your kit (and your home for that matter) for products that have been recalled www.recalls.gov.

Preparedness Now


We Live in Turbulent Times

“We do live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties.”

President Thomas S. Monson “If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear,” Oct. 2004 general conference

Members of the Church have been counseled for many years to be prepared for adversity. Preparation, both spiritual and temporal, can dispel fear (see D&C 38:30). L. Tom Perry taught, “The need for preparation is abundantly clear. The great blessing of being prepared gives us freedom from fear” (“If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear,” Oct. 1995 general conference). With the guidance of Church leaders, individuals and families should prepare to be self-reliant in times of personal and widespread tragedy. Read more…

The Food in Your 72 Hour Emergency Kit

You should gather whatever your family will need to survive for three days.  Those items in your emergency kit might be the only possessions you will have. During a disaster, there will be a lot of stress. You may have been evacuated to a  shelter, you could be walking or driving to get to safety (always have your gas tank close to full), and you may have to use your camping gear for a while. Having food you like to eat during these difficult times will definitely boost your morale. You certainly do not want to try new things. Plan your food according to your family’s needs (allergies, diabetes etc.) The food should be non perishable, easy to store and prepare, light weight and have a long shelf life. It should have adequate  calories, protein, carbohydrates and be low in sodium (salty food will make you thirsty). You want food that will give you energy and fill you up. You don’t want to add to your stress level by being hungry. Choose food high in fiber and avoid junk food.

Some Food Ideas


Most of you would be fine on 2,000 calories a day in an emergency situation. You might need more calories in cold weather or if you have to do heavy work. Keep this amount under consideration as you build your food kit. The best types of food are starches and the like (complex carbohydrates). They are easy to digest, and provide longer lasting energy. If you are a nursing mother, you should have powdered formula for your infant (you will need to plan extra water), and have disposable bottles/liners etc. on hand because sterilization may not be available. You may not be around to nurse your child during an emergency. Read more…


Providing for Self and Family